
OAN creates natures inspired both in the space that exists within the natural world and in the architectural and landscape space built throughout history. The relationship of materials, living beings, and the rest of the natural systems give rise to the creation of a single holistic space.

OAN realize Design, Research and Teaching services in Landscape Nature

Design landscape projects, public spaces, urban forests, parks, botanical preserves, Japanese and Mediterranean gardens, rain, vertical, and roof gardens. Rehabilitation of landscapes, biotopes, and protected areas. Urban Biodiversity Plans. Professional maintenance tasks.

Research in the current anthropocentric era, the study of the sustainable conservation of urban nature through joint maintenance and ecotourism as measures to restore kinship with nature. Case studies, hypothetical scenarios, feasible trajectories, and implementation of a theoretical-practical model to solve the problem of origin.

Teaching theory and design of landscape nature. Specialty of traditional Japanese Gardens.

OAN establishes the following cost estimating and workflows

Cost 10% of the construction cost distributed in: conceptual design (1%), developed design (2%), technical design (5%), construction management (2%).

Workflow conceptual design (1 month) -> developed design (3 months) -> technical design (3 months) -> construction management (6 months).

For the fees and workflows of the research and teaching services, please make your inquiry.



設計 景観プロジェクト、公共スペース、都市林、公園、植物保護区、日本庭園と地中海庭園、レインガーデン、垂直庭園、屋上庭園。景観、ビオトープ、および保護区の修復。緑化計画および生物多様性都市計画。専門的な環境保全作業など。

研究 都市における持続可能な自然保護(人間中心の現代において自然との親密な関係を回復させるための手段として共同保全とエコツーリズムを通じて実施する自然保護)に関する研究(伝統的な日本庭園のケース)。

教育 景観建築の理論および設計。伝統的な日本庭園に関する専門知識。


料金 建築費用の10%。内訳は、概念設計(1%)、開発設計(2%)、技術設計(5%)、建築時のサポート(2%)となります。

作業の流れ 概念設計(1か月)→ 開発設計(3か月)→ 技術設計(3か月)→ 建設時のサポート(6か月)。
